Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bladder Cancer

Clinical Staging

T1-Physician feels nothing on exam prior to transurethral resection (TUR)
T2-Physician feels nothing on exam after TUR
T3a-Any visually incomplete TUR or persistent tumor felt after TUR
T3b-Any tumor that extends beyond bladder on exam
T4-Tumor that involves other organs

Pathologic Staging

Ta-noninvasive papillary tumor
Tis-carcinoma-in-situ (explained above)
T1-tumor invading the mucosa (lining of bladder)Above are considered "superficial"
T2-tumor invades superficially into muscle of wall
T3a-tumor invades deeply into muscle of the bladder wall
T3b-tumor invades the entire way through the wall
T4-tumor invades other organs

N0-no spread to lymph nodes
N1-tumor spread to a single lymph node, but this tumor spread must be less than 2 cm
N2-tumor spread to lymph nodes sized 2-5 cm
N3-tumor spread to lymph nodes greater than 5 cm

M0-no tumor spread to other organs
M1-tumor spread to other organs